PHP 7 64bit Restore issues

PHP 7 64bit Restore issues

by Andrew Deathridge -
Number of replies: 2


I've been trying to restore a course 2.9GB in size using PHP 7 64bit but when restoring it, I get an error saying "error connecting to Server":

I am aware that in past, uploading courses over 2GB has been a problem but I would have thought PHP 7 64bit would stop this limitation... I have been editing the ini file increasing post max size and upload max filesize to 4GB plus increasing the maximum allowed content length to 4GB too but as you can see, I am still getting this error.

Is there something I'm missing or unaware of? Is it actually possible to restore courses greater than 2GB with a 64bit version of PHP?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Thank you smile.

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In reply to Andrew Deathridge

Re: PHP 7 64bit Restore issues

by Ken Task -
Particularly helpful Moodlers სურათი

Well, you've not disclosed OS nor any particulars about DB.   Those are factors ... cause the error could be somewhat misleading.   MySQL/MariaDB might need a tweak to max_packet_allowed and if MSSQL there is a setting similar ... see for Windows/MSSQL.

'spirit of sharing', Ken

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