Calling Unix Gurus: Cron Abort message

Calling Unix Gurus: Cron Abort message

per Thomas Bray,
Number of replies: 0
Hello All:

I recently figured out how to use Telnet and set my own cronjob using crontab-e. Since that fateful day, I have been emailed from the server about every 48 hours with the following:

In the subject line:
Cron /usr/local/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null ''

The message is:
[1] 94286 Abort trap

Anybody know what this is? The cron works fine, it seems; emails on forum postings go out in a timely way. I'd contact my server admin, but I'm kind of cheating on the cron: server rules say only once per hour, and as you know, moodle does a five minute cron. I don't really want to raise any flags.

Anybody have an opinion on this?


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