Recommended php values for uploading a 300MB video files

Re: Recommended php values for uploading a 300MB video files

i le Rick Jerz -
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Actually I once had my videos on a $5US/month "unlimited bandwidth" hosted server, and they worked well.  Then, the server company emailed me and let me know to stop doing this, that my videos were exceeding their "unlimited" bandwidth.  At about that same time, the university streaming server became available.  Had the streaming server not become available, I was planning to buy a VPS with "limited" bandwidth (but greater than the hosted server limits.)

Incidentally, I had a similar problem with the free Kaltura account.  I very quickly exceeded their free bandwidth limits.

Sure, I could do Youtube, but like you, I don't really care for the Youtube system (yet).  Maybe some day.

By the way, I manage my videos on the video server just as if they are files in a folder.  I can name them anything and organize them into sub-folders, etc. Then, when I want to share them I just need to give the path to them (which would naturally be in URL format, not as c:/rick/videos/a_video.mp4, but instead as

.) It's really simple managing videos this way.