Lesson showing as incomplete

Lesson showing as incomplete

از James Reynolds در
Number of replies: 4


I have created a lesson activity in Moodle 3.1. When I view (and complete) the lesson in the role of student, I receive a 'congratulations' message, however the lesson progress only shows as 85%, where it should show as 100%.

I have reviewed the configuration and can't find an issue. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Attachment lesson_incomplete.PNG
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In reply to James Reynolds

Re: Lesson showing as incomplete

از Mary Cooch در
عکس Documentation writers عکس Moodle HQ عکس Particularly helpful Moodlers عکس Testers عکس Translators

Did you have some "either or" type pages where students did not have to access every single page in order to reach the end of the lesson?

In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Lesson showing as incomplete

از James Reynolds در
Hi Mary - no I didn't.
In reply to James Reynolds

Re: Lesson showing as incomplete

از Mary Cooch در
عکس Documentation writers عکس Moodle HQ عکس Particularly helpful Moodlers عکس Testers عکس Translators

Here is the direct link to a section of the documentation on the Lesson progress bar - in case anything there helps.

In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: Lesson showing as incomplete

از James Reynolds در

As I have several questions clusters, the final point probably applies:

Note that the Lesson Progress bar only works correctly for lessons with a "straightforward" navigation, such as page 1 -> page 2 -> page n -> end of lesson. It is not guaranteed to work with pages "jumping all over the place".

I will switch off the progress bar.

Thanks for your help.