Problem with image and audio files in title

Problem with image and audio files in title

لە لایەن María José Blanes -
Number of replies: 0


I'm using, or rather testing, Moodle 3.1 with Oracle database and the last version of HotPot (2016060192).

One of the teachers have a Hotpot activity with an image and audio file (m4a) in the title. (I can only see the htm file. References to files are  within the tag: <h2 class="ExerciseTitle"></h2>)

If I add a new Hotpot activity with those files, the result is that the image and the audio are not displayed. I've also checked the HTML tags with the tools of the browser and it seems that these code lines have dissapeared.

However, when I make a backup of the activity (from another installation of Moodle to my test installation), both files are displayed without problem.

Any idea what's going on?

Maybe I missed some configuration parameter?

Thanks in advance,

PD: because of the size of files I can't attach them to the forum.

In the following link you can see the files I've used to create the activity (hotpot-day of and the backup of the original activity.

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