Hide access for a group

Hide access for a group

ved Whitney Lowe -
Antal besvarelser: 5

Is it possible to hide course access from an entire group (meaning make the course unavailable to an entire group all at one time- but not lose their enrollment or course activity records)?

We are thinking about this for rolling enrollments that have to be renewed each year. If a group does not renew their enrollment we want to be able to hide the course from that group. 

Anyone know if that can be  done in Moodle?

Gennemsnitsbedømmelse: -
I svar til Whitney Lowe

Re: Hide access for a group

ved John Provasnik -
Billede af Particularly helpful Moodlers Billede af Testers

Could you Mass Suspend the group from the course?

From the Docs: Groups of users may be suspended from "Users > Enrolled users". With the "manual enrolments" selected from the Enrollment Methods dropdown and your desired group selected from the group dropdown , click 'Search' - selection boxes will appear next to users that meet that criteria. Select the users, and scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Edit user enrolments" and click 'Go' -- then "Alter status > Suspended".

I svar til John Provasnik

Re: Hide access for a group

ved Whitney Lowe -

Thanks John, I will try that. 

I svar til Whitney Lowe

Re: Hide access for a group

ved Whitney Lowe -

If I suspend this entire group, will I lose records of work they have completed?

I svar til Whitney Lowe

Re: Hide access for a group

ved John Provasnik -
Billede af Particularly helpful Moodlers Billede af Testers

No, as they are still enrolled in the course. All records will still be there. But...As always, do a test - start by suspending a test student and then make sure everything you need access to is still there (and accessible for whoever needs to see it) after the suspension.