Receive error when trying to check for updates

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Forumo įrašas pašalintas

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Atsakymas į Pašalinti dalyviai

Re: Receive error when trying to check for updates

Simon Rediss-Whitfield -

Hi Laurie,

If you turn on debugger to developer, does it show any further error?

Has any editing of the core code been done in your moodle install?

Have you installed any unsupported/outdated plugins?

Update - I have just seen that you upgraded from 1.9 not long ago..... looking at this and the number of mods it looks like you have made to your installation this may not be an easy fix.

Atsakymas į Simon Rediss-Whitfield

Forumo įrašas pašalintas

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Atsakymas į Pašalinti dalyviai

Re: Receive error when trying to check for updates

Lisa Norman -


Did you ever get an answer to this? I've been trying to find one and seeing blank pages and people suggesting to ask on the forums...


Atsakymas į Lisa Norman

Re: Receive error when trying to check for updates

Ken Task -
Particularly helpful Moodlers paveikslėlis

@Lisa ... Laurie evidently is no longer subscribed to this forum ... nor does she have a profile to view.    You might be better off starting a new thread stating your issue.   Don't for get to incllude things like version of Moodle, Joomodle version, version of Joomla (there was an update just this week), operating system, how hosted.

Last I re-call @Emma had said before she used joomoodle?   Maybe she'll see this and jump in your new thread.

'spirit of sharing', Ken