Edit Menu Items in Gradebook setup

Edit Menu Items in Gradebook setup

Eric Strom -

I'm noticing some inconsistencies in the location of certain actions within the edit menus 

I consider the module edit menu in the course page as the standard. Module Edit Menu

Now looking at the menus for outcomes and grade items in Gradebook setup, I recognized that these menus have the Show/Hide action below the Delete action. 

Outcome edit menu

outcomes edit menu

Grade item edit menu

grade item edit menu

Although this may appear minor for most, I feel this is a usability problem and would prefer to see consistency between these types of menus and a predictable hierarchy of these actions.

Having plenty of experience using the delete and hide/show actions, I can easily see someone quickly selecting the Delete action for an outcome or grade item when they wanted to only hide it or vice versa.

I think 'Delete' should always be the last of the menu items. And in these cases the Hide/Show should be second on the list (above the Edit calculation for grade item).