External database course template not working

External database course template not working

por Anders Jørgensen -
Número de respostas: 0


Im having a problem with enrolment from external database.

I want to create new courses using existing courses as template.

I have a row in my database with “templatecourse”, containing the shortname of the template course, and i have typed templatecourse in the “new course template” field under creation of new courses in the external database settings window.

But running the sync script (enrol/database/cli/sync.php) i get the error “can not find template for new course”, and the course gets created without the content from the template course.

If i sync the same courses using the manuel method of uploading a cvs file, everything works perfectly.

Im also specifying a course category in the external database, and that part works fine.

Do anyone have an idea as to might be wrong?

I have tried the sync on both moodle 3.0.1 and on the most recent development version of 3.1.0