Serious Error: Cannot Set Up Site

Serious Error: Cannot Set Up Site

von Msindisi Sam -
Anzahl Antworten: 1

I have installed the latest version (.4) after version (3) and all goes well in creating database etc until it comes to site name details. I add the details and then click save but I get the following message at top of screen: Serious Error: Cannot Set Up Site.

I have attached config.

Als Antwort auf Msindisi Sam

Re: Serious Error: Cannot Set Up Site

von Martin Dougiamas -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Documentation writers Nutzerbild von Moodle HQ Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers Nutzerbild von Testers
I just went to your site, and I get different things happening every time I hit refresh. There is something vewy screwy about

There's nothing that different about that would mean it behaves this differently to

Possibly the problem might (at least partly) be the same problem as happens on Sourceforge: