Jumping from lesson to another activity like a forum and then coming back to activity

Jumping from lesson to another activity like a forum and then coming back to activity

por RK B -
Número de respostas: 2

Let us say the lesson has 10 pages. I want to have some other moodle activities like forums after the 5th page in the lesson.

Is it possible to go to the forum and then have a way to come back to lesson

Can we do it using the standard configuration ?

Or do we need to create some navigation and link the unique URLs in an order.

Or can we just embed the URL of the forum into a lesson page ?

Just thinking

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Em resposta à RK B

Re: Jumping from lesson to another activity like a forum and then coming back to activity

por Chris Jeffries -

I had a similar problem.

In my case, I wanted the student to read data from a wiki page, without them having to leave the lesson.

I did it with an iframe in the lesson page. To crop the bits of the wiki page i did not want to display, i styled the frame with negative margin values.

Also, though maybe not relevant in your case, I used the print friendly version of the wiki page, which hid all the active links and got rid of most of the surrounding unwanted material for me.

Here is the code I used:

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
function resizeIframe(obj) {
    obj.style.height = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px';
// ]]></script>
<p><iframe onload="resizeIframe(this);" seamless="" scrolling="no" style="margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; width: 100%; margin-top: -2.2em; background-color: white;" src="http://kb.construct-x.com/mod/wiki/prettyview.php?pageid=16"></iframe></p>
<p>Who makes the tea</p>

I know it is bad form to put a script in the body of the page, but it works. The purpose of the script is to ensure the iframe window automatically expands to accommodate the size of the page being embedded.


Média das avaliações: Useful (1)