how to treat un-submitted essays as zero?

how to treat un-submitted essays as zero?

di Melissa Vargas -
Numero di risposte: 0

Hi everyone,

I am hoping you can help me in figuring out this problem:

I have a lesson with two essay questions: one is 10 points and the other is 30 points, so the total of the lesson is 40 points out of 100, for the whole Unit (I have units composed of lessons). There is no problem in the Grader book when students have submitted both essays, however, when students only submit one, lets say the one that is worth 30 points, the grade is calculated based on a raw score (e.g 25/30 and NOT 25/40). This is unfair for the students that submitted both answers. So, how can I set it up so that un-submitted essay questions within a lesson are counted as zero (when the lesson is "closed")? I have tried many ways and nothing seems to work.... 

Thank you for any help that you can give me.

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