Firefox behat failures with overlapping elements

Firefox behat failures with overlapping elements

بواسطة - Mark Johnson
عدد الردود: 3
صورة Core developers صورة Particularly helpful Moodlers صورة Peer reviewers صورة Plugin developers

I'm experimenting with running tests using Firefox on our CI server, but I'm seeing lots of failures for tests that pass in Chrome.

Looking at the error messages, the failures are due to overlapping elements, and looking at the screenshots, it appears that the header bar is overlapping links that are trying to be clicked.  In the attached screenshot, the step "I turn editing mode off" was attempted, but the bar was overlapping the button.

As I understand it, "Browser specific fixes" are in place to stop this happening, but they aren't applied to Firefox as they weren't required. Can anyone explain the issue I'm seeing?

I've tried both Firefox 38 and 45 ESR versions with the same result, running on RHEL7 64 bit.

المرفق Add-some-activities_I-press-Turn-editing-off-.png
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رداً على Mark Johnson

Re: Firefox behat failures with overlapping elements

بواسطة - Mark Johnson
صورة Core developers صورة Particularly helpful Moodlers صورة Peer reviewers صورة Plugin developers

I can also reproduce this behaviour on Windows 7 with Firefox 44. I'm running Selenium 2.52.0 on both systems.

رداً على Mark Johnson

Re: Firefox behat failures with overlapping elements

بواسطة - Mark Johnson
صورة Core developers صورة Particularly helpful Moodlers صورة Peer reviewers صورة Plugin developers

In answer to my own question, I retried the test with the Browser/Selenium version combination recommended on and it works, so it looks like the fix for scrolling an element in to view doesn't work with the latest selenium.

Edit: I've just been pointed at MDL-52839 MDL-52970 which suggests this is fixed in the latest Moodle code, so please feel free to throw this thread in the bin مبتسم

رداً على Mark Johnson

Re: Firefox behat failures with overlapping elements

بواسطة - Rajesh Taneja

That's right Mark,

This whole chain of failing started after Selenium 2.48.0 was released. Also is the most commented issue on selenium which they tried to fix over in next 3 months by releasing 9 versions.

As you can see the latest version of moodle now has a fix applied for all browsers, so it won't be an issue anymore.