Turnitin 2 error Assignment Lineitem not found | Code: 0

Turnitin 2 error Assignment Lineitem not found | Code: 0

von Cheryl Rodriguez -
Anzahl Antworten: 4

One of my instructors is getting a Fault Code: failure | File: %dirroot%/mod/turnittooltwo/sdk/tii.calss.php | line: 472 | Message: Assignment Lineitem not found | Code: 0

I checked the classroom and it is listed in Turnitin, two students have been successful in turning in their assignments online with Turnitin, but none of the students who have attempted the turnin on the Moodle site have had any success.  They receive a large red box with the above message.

I've checked all of the settings in the assignment and checked the database and the assignment is there.  The assignments just will not submit.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, its 9:30 on a Sunday night and the assignments are due in two hours so the students and instructor are in a bit of a panic.

Other classrooms are submitting just fine at this time with no errors.


Turtintooltwo 2015040110 2.6+

Moodle 2.8.8 LAMP

Als Antwort auf Cheryl Rodriguez

Re: Turnitin 2 error Assignment Lineitem not found | Code: 0

von John McGettrick -

Hi Cheryl,

I suspect an assignment has been imported or similar and that has resulted in the course mapping being incorrect. Would you be able to contact Turnitin product support a login, API logs and the affected assignment and we'll take a look.



Als Antwort auf John McGettrick

Re: Turnitin 2 error Assignment Lineitem not found | Code: 0

von Cheryl Rodriguez -


We import courses from old semesters and then re-purpose them for the new semester.  But we've done that across the board, each and every semester, reports are starting to filter in from other classrooms now.  The odd thing is that when you look at the log, there are submissions that work and submissions that don't .

In the mean time my instructor deleted the old assignment and create a new one.  That one is now working correctly.

If dumping the old assignment is the key then there has to be a connection where we are not resetting the turnitin assignments correctly when we upload the new courses.  I can delete and recreate, but is there a reset that we're not using.  It may be just a step that some of the folks are missing when they update their new course.

Now I have an "oath_signature" incorrect credentials message for another student from this morning.

The reason I came to the forum is that  I cannot give a programmer from Turnitin access to my system due to FERPA.  If they can tell me where to look and what to look for that's different.  But in my last dance with them they refused to be of any assistance simply because they didn't have access--even though they had the logs....


Als Antwort auf Cheryl Rodriguez

Re: Turnitin 2 error Assignment Lineitem not found | Code: 0

von John McGettrick -

Hi Cheryl,

That sounds like it could be the case then as there was bug in an earlier version of the plugin where if an assignment was imported, the course mapping to Turnitin was changed incorrectly if the course was already linked to Turnitin.

To verify if this is the case you should look at "Show Data Dump" in the plugin configuration where you can check which course in Moodle is linked to which Turnitin class. If you then login in to the website and verify that this is different to what is expected. We can transfer an assignment to a different class if there is a problem.



Als Antwort auf John McGettrick

Re: Turnitin 2 error Assignment Lineitem not found | Code: 0

von Cheryl Rodriguez -

The instructor deleted the assignment before I had a chance to do any more troubleshooting. I did submit a ticket to see if they could explain any of the other errors in my logs, I'm seeing quite a few authentication issues right now as well where students are not able to submit because of another error.

I guess what I need to know about the first case is the course mix-up were the case how can we prevent it from happening again going forward.  the classrooms are renamed, but their courseid in Moodle may be the same. 


Course ID 1298 in Moodle may have changed from semester 142 to semester 152.  In Turnitin I definitely see two different paper id's so it does recognize the change in the classroom title, which should mean it is a completely different course, but in Moodle it is still CourseID 1298.  Each semester we roll out all the students and reset the semester to the next semester, so Spring 2016 now becomes Spring 2017....course ids do not change in the Moodle database, but they are reset to remove all student data and submissions. 

I guess what I'm looking for now is a Best Practice to put in place for that roll up, or instructions to the professors so we don't end up in this situation again.

Just when I thought the semester was looking pretty good, too!  At least I have a better idea of where to look for trouble if this happens again.
