Activities in Lesson not calculating into final mark for lesson

Activities in Lesson not calculating into final mark for lesson

Alice Kedves-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 4

Hello. I have created a lesson and inside it there are true/false, matching, and short answer questions. I also have a written response "essay" format at the end. I am able to grade the essay response easily, but the true/false questions etc that should have automatically marked themsleves are not adding into the final score for that lesson. HELP... as it is really frustrating my students. 

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I svar til Alice Kedves

Re: Activities in Lesson not calculating into final mark for lesson

Chris Collman-mit -
Documentation writers-ip assinga

Hi Alice,

That would be frustrating!   So the short answer questions are adding as part of the score automatically, but the T/F are not?   

There has to be something in the question setting.   Most obvious is if the lesson is set up with custom scoring  Yes, and the correct answer gets zero points.  They got it right but the instructor is not going to give it any points. 

Used to be that with custom scoring off, any answer whose jump went forward was correct and back was wrong.   I always turn on custom scoring so am not sure if this is still true.

Hope this helped a little,


I svar til Chris Collman

Re: Activities in Lesson not calculating into final mark for lesson

Alice Kedves-mit -

Why do you always turn custom scoring on? 

It was set to Yes, so I just switched it to No, and will let you know if that helps.

Thanks for your suggestion.


I svar til Alice Kedves

Re: Activities in Lesson not calculating into final mark for lesson

Chris Collman-mit -
Documentation writers-ip assinga


I would suggest leaving custom scoring to Yes.   Did you check the points awarded for a correct answer in your T/F questions?  

I  always use custom scoring because my lessons do not follow the "edit order".   For example, some answers will send the student to a reminder string of content pages, with the last  jumping back to the question.   I am not consistent in where I put these pages, so it is my best practice to have custom scoring on.  

Guess it is an old school control thing or an old habit.  For a long time I did not use T/F in a quiz because you could not go back and award points for both answers (teachers make mistakes), so they were multiple choice with two answers.

Time to get into the big city to teach.


I svar til Alice Kedves

Re: Activities in Lesson not calculating into final mark for lesson

Alice Kedves-mit -

When I turned on custom scoring, I could no longer give the essay portion of the lesson a grade, it was either complete or incomplete. Interesting. Thoughts?
