No Admin Account and cannot login

No Admin Account and cannot login

από daniel rose -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 0


I'm trying setting up version 1.4.5 on a hosted server ( and am having 2 problems. The setup scripts run perfectly, up to the point where the ADMIN account is created. This process is skipped and i am sent straight to the login screen.

I've cleared all my cookies, added the extra lines in the users.php as suggested in the FAQ, then cleared the database and tried to reinstall, with the same result.

I've tried admin/admin as the username and password - still to no avail. I've also used myphpadmin to set the admin account to another user (which created fine) and this is where the second problem arises........

....Any users other than the guest account do not seem to login. The system accepts the user name and password, but doesn't actually log them in.  It stills says YOU ARE NOT LOGGED IN, even though i should be!!

I've run the session-test.php and this seems to be fine..

I've created a test user account so hopefully you can see for youselves - http:\\

u: test
p: qwerty

Any help you can provide would be fantastic


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