Content Copyright

Content Copyright

от Warren Cole -
Количество ответов: 3

I wanted to put a content copyright notice on each page of my Moddle implementation and in my unsophisticated way chose to manually edit the footer.html file in the standard theme folder with the line of text.  Seems to work ok and probably will unless I change themes or the footer.html file is updated in a future upgrade, but it occurs to me that there maybe should be a way to add this to the general configuration.  Thoughts?

P.S.  Is this forum where stuff like this should be posted? 

В ответ на Warren Cole

Re: Content Copyright

от Martin Dougiamas -
Изображение пользователя Core developers Изображение пользователя Documentation writers Изображение пользователя Moodle HQ Изображение пользователя Particularly helpful Moodlers Изображение пользователя Plugin developers Изображение пользователя Testers
Yes, editing footer.html is the best way to do that for now, and yes this forum or the admin forum is probably best.

I would suggest making a copy of a theme folder with your own name and editing that instead - that way it won't get overwritten when upgrading.
В ответ на Martin Dougiamas

Re: Content Copyright

от Warren Cole -
What do I have to modify to call my "custom" renamed footer rather than the standard one? I'm not very good at tracking back the code (though I'm getting better!)
В ответ на Warren Cole

Re: Content Copyright

от Martin Dougiamas -
Изображение пользователя Core developers Изображение пользователя Documentation writers Изображение пользователя Moodle HQ Изображение пользователя Particularly helpful Moodlers Изображение пользователя Plugin developers Изображение пользователя Testers
Basically, go into the theme folder and copy a whole theme. eg copy "standard" to "mytheme". You can now edit mytheme/footer.html (and the other files in there!) to your hearts content.

To select the new theme, just use the link "Choose theme" from the admin page.