Custom Login in 2.9.1

Custom Login in 2.9.1

per adam loonat -
Nombre de respostes: 2


I have been creating a moodle for my work and have been basically replicating the current website however ive come to a slight snag,

I need to add the image on to the log in box itself so that when you log in on different devices it auto re-scales itself without moving the image away from the log in box depending on screen size if that makes sense 

Ive had a look around but can't seem to find any solutions or anything that makes sense, I'm guessing its a CSS job but only have a basic knowledge on this area so any help would be greatly appreciated

P.S I am using the archaius theme

Many thanks in advance

Adam Somrient

Mitjana de qualificacions: -
En resposta a adam loonat

Re: Custom Login in 2.9.1

per Mary Evans -
Imatge Core developers Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Peer reviewers Imatge Plugin developers Imatge Testers


Lets start at the beginning. What CSS did you use to add the image to the login page?

Which of the two screen shots is the one that you would like to see on all devices? I am guessing it is the second one?

Also can you copy/paste any CSS related to the login page from the theme you are using?



En resposta a Mary Evans

Re: Custom Login in 2.9.1

per adam loonat -

Hi Mary,

Thank you for the reply i really appreciate it,

i haven't used any css to add the image in it was just a background, it was first thing in the morning so i wasn't thinking clearly and then by lunch i realised that it would alter to different screen sizes, so i need to know how to insert the image to the log in box so it wont move which i'm finding quite difficult, and yes its the second image mary Somrient 

Im am using the archaius theme, with this theme anything to do with css has to be done through the custom css text box in the theme appearance page also here is the login css from the theme as far as i know

thanks Adam