How to check if a file was deleted and by whom?

Re: How to check if a file was deleted and by whom?

על ידי Miguel Da Silva בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 0
Hmmmm, this is what I thought in a first moment. I double-checked the log's and couldn't get traces of files being deleted.

What I get are lots of entries like that:

The user with id 'X' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '12345'.

Crossing some data from the Web server makes possible to deduce that a file was uploaded using the filepicker and also wich file is that.

There's available an older version of this site (a couple of months ago) just for testing and development, and I'm checking differences in order to gather some more information.

Those files seemed to be embedded in a page activity and was uploaded by the same user. Some links was created for users download the files and now they broke (in the older version everything goes fine).

I thought that maybe the files were actually in the user private repository and it thought that wasn't necessary any more, then deleted the files.

I've read a little about Moodle 2.x file management and this kind of user actions wasn't suppose to break links because there are references to them elsewhere in the site.

That's because I was looking for more expressive log data.

Thank you very much; I'll be digging a little bit more.
