Add mutliple cohorts to course QUICKLY

Add mutliple cohorts to course QUICKLY

Richard van Iwaarden發表於
Number of replies: 4
Particularly helpful Moodlers的相片

Dear Moodlers,

Is there any way to add 10 cohorts quickly to about 50 courses? Is there a CSV upload possibility of some sort?

Since Moodle 2.7 the cohort enrolment screen has been terribly degraded. See MDL-49417 and vote if you think this needs to be changed back...

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In reply to Richard van Iwaarden

Re: Add mutliple cohorts to course QUICKLY

Richard van Iwaarden發表於
Particularly helpful Moodlers的相片

This is basic Moodle functionality and should be in Moodle. We are now spending money to have it customized and made for us.

I can not imagine that I'm the only one having this problem, except if 99% of the Moodles out there is run by small schools who have teachers adding students manually to their courses.

If Moodle would listen better to the large schools there would be so much to gain in functionality. Just my opinion.

In reply to Richard van Iwaarden

Re: Add mutliple cohorts to course QUICKLY

Gus Hagelberg發表於

I have a similar issue in Moodle 2.8.

I would like to bulk upload courses using a .csv file and add the enrolment method "course meta link" and to define which meta course is linked to which newly uploaded course. Like this:


Does anyone know if it is only possible to use the enrolment methods "self" and "manual" with the csv course upload?
