Students see scores before they submit quiz

Students see scores before they submit quiz

di Ling Li -
Numero di risposte: 2

I meet a problem when I use quiz module.

I have add a quiz which have no time limit. Students can participate in the quiz in two weeks. And when they haven't finish the quiz, they can just save their answer and leave, after several days, they can come back and continue with the quiz.

But I found when the students save their answer and come back again, they can see the score of each answered question when they continue the quiz.

I have checked the source code, and I found that when there's a score for the question, it will be displayed. And if the students save the answers, they will get a score.

I don't known which is the problem:

  1. The score should not be displayed to students?
  2. The unsubmitted answer should not be given a score?

My moodle version is 1.5.2+, the database is MySQL 4.1.

When I create the quiz, the options are:

  • Time limit: None
  • Attempts allowed: 1
  • Grading method: Highest grade
  • Adaptive mode: No
  • Apply penalties: Yes
  • Students may review: Only options in after the quiz are selected


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In riposta a Ling Li

Re: Students see scores before they submit quiz

di Génaël Gen -
I have the same problem but even in the fisrt attempt. For some students, moodle display the score information but others don't display

 My moodle version is 1.5.2, the database is MySQL 4.1.

When I create the quiz, the options are:

  • Time limit: 60 minutes
  • Attempts allowed: 3
  • Grading method: First gr
  • Adaptive mode: No
  • Apply penalties: Yes
  • Students may review: nothing

In riposta a Génaël Gen

Re: Students see scores before they submit quiz

di Julian Sedding -
Please try the latest version of moodle and tell me if that fixes your problem. The option to display the score did not affect the default feedback at the bottom of the questions (Correct/Partially correct/Incorrect + grading information). I changed this so that the display scores option shows/hides this as well.
