Online Journals...not Moodle.

Online Journals...not Moodle.

by Sam Thing -
Number of replies: 2
Hi All,

I've had a request from a tutor for something to replace a word document for use as a learning journal.
Features include:
Document to have structured fields ('I did...', 'I learnt...', 'I would do differently...')
Easy to use
Be able to add photos
Be accessible via phone

Moodle (at least our 2.5 instance of it) has proved to be too difficult to use with a phone or device. When we upgrade to 2.8 things may change.
Blogs are out as the stucture is not customisable by tutors.
Google docs looks promising.

Any other ideas for you good people?

Ta, Sam.
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In reply to Sam Thing

Re: Online Journals...not Moodle.

by Matt Bury -
Particularly helpful Moodlers को तस्बिर Plugin developers को तस्बिर

Hi Sam,

The Feedback or Questionnaire modules might work. Questionnaire isn't core Moodle but is more flexible than Feedback.

Is the Moodle theme they're using responsive? I've tried Moodle 2.8 and 2.9 with responsive themes on a really crappy smartphone and they worked fine... well, as well as a website on a tiny touch screen can.

I hope this helps smile

In reply to Matt Bury

Re: Online Journals...not Moodle.

by Sam Thing -

We'll be going full responsive with our 2.8 upgrade, it may be worth revisiting this then.

Unfortunately the teacher who asked the question wants to get up and running with it before he breaks for the summer. On the upside, the small test we've done with Google docs just worked so I imagine for this year at least we'll be selling off our souls to our new corporate overlords :P