2.8.3 Changing the look of "Time Spent" in lesson

Re: 2.8.3 Changing the look of "Time Spent" in lesson

Jean-Michel Védrine -

I did a test and the old lesson prerequisite "time spent" is working as expected

  • I created 2 lessons "lesson 1" and "lesson 2" and in lesson 2 settings I I set up it as dependent of time spent in lesson 1 (2 minutes)
  • I attempted lesson 1 as a student spending less than 2 minutes to complete it
  • When I try to attempt lesson 2 I get the warning message as expected:
    time spent warning
So for me the old lesson prerequisite feature is working in Moodle 2.9 exactly as it was working in Moodle 2.8 and there is no bug or regression.

Note: As I said it is impossible to use the "lesson prerequisite" feature in Moodle 2.9 for new lessons, you can only use it with lesson created in older Moodle versions and that already have prerequisite conditions. So to make this test I had to create these 2 lessons in Moodle 2.8, create a backup and restore it in Moodle 2.9 眨眼. Dont be surprised if you create a lesson in Moodle 2.9 and if you don't see the "Prerequiste lesson" section in the settings. This is not a bug, it is working as it should.