Assigning grading permission on a per-user basis

Assigning grading permission on a per-user basis

gan Brad Smith -
Number of replies: 1

The assignment module (Moodle 2.2) sends email notifications to anyone with the "grade assignment" permission when an assignment is submitted. For certain assignments, I want to give each student a mentor who will be responsible for grading only that student's assignments. However, when I use "assign roles relative to this user" to grant a mentor a role with assignment grading rights for a student, the assignments module doesn't recognize that person as a grader. If I assign the same role to the mentor at the course or system levels, it does.

Is this a bug in the assignments module, or am I misunderstanding how these roles are supposed to work? If so, is there any way to do what I'm trying to do here?

Cyfartaledd sgoriau: -
In reply to Brad Smith

Re: Assigning grading permission on a per-user basis

gan Brad Smith -

I ended up addressing this by overriding get_graders() for my custom assignment type with the code below. Basically, I get a list of roles that are granted grading permission on the assignment, and then look for users assigned that role relative to the submitter. 

If found, for my use-case I want to use those graders instead of ones assigned at higher levels, but the code could just as easily merge these results with the default list (users assigned to those roles relative to the module/course/category/system). 

I guess I am left with two questions:

  1. Does what I'm doing here look completely silly to anyone?
  2. If not, why do we not normally look for people assigned to the desired role at the user/module/course/category/system level, instead of starting at the module level?

Here's the code:


Check for users assigned roles with grading rights for

this assignment, relative to the given user.

If none are found, fall back on the default behavior

of getting users assigned to such roles at the module

level or higher.


// Get contexts relevant to this assignment

list($contextids, $contextpaths) = get_context_info_list($this->context);

list($incontexts, $cparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($contextids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'ctx');

// Find roles with grade permission in those contexts

// Return users assigned those roles relative to the given user

$cparams['student_id'] = $user->id;

$cparams['cap'] = 'mod/assignment:grade';

$cparams['context_user'] = CONTEXT_USER;

$sql = "select u.*

from mdluser u

join mdlrole_assignments ra

on = ra.userid

and roleid in (

select distinct

from mdlrole r

join mdlrole_capabilities rc


and rc.contextid $incontexts

and rc.capability=:cap


join mdlcontext x

on ra.contextid =

and x.contextlevel=:context_user

and x.instanceid=:student_id";

$potgraders = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $cparams);

if (sizeof($potgraders) == 0) {

// default behavior…


// Unchanged from here on