Can you play this MP4 ?

Can you play this MP4 ?

by Justin Hunt -
Number of replies: 14
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

There is yet another debate shaping about MP4 in another thread. It just seems to keep coming back. 

I boldly suggest that a properly formatted MP4 displayed on a page in HTML5 video tags is enough.

I tried putting one directly in this post but Moodle was not having it. So please try and view it here:

Does it work? If not, post back here what your browser and device are.

Average of ratings: Useful (3)
In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Abdelghani Azzi -

Viwed it and is works fine on Firefox 37.0.2.

But it looks like the frame rate is low...

In reply to Abdelghani Azzi

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Justin Hunt -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Thanks for checking. . The video quality is just because of my cheap camera and low quality settings.  

In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Usman Asar -
Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

All browsers are running on Windows 7.0 (32-bit), and here's the outcome

FireFox 37.0.2 - OK

Google Chrome 42.0.2311.135 - OK

Opera 20.0.1387.91 - OK

Safari 5.1.7 - OK

Maxthon Cloud Browser - OK

Internet Explorer 9 - Didn't played, so assuming its HTML5 player and IE doesn't natively supports HTML5, only Flash.

Video play remained consistent across all, the lag I believe is due to the camera capture else voice is synched properly meaning no issues with the video itself.

In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Derek Chirnside -

Chrome YES great

iPhone 4 YES great

FF Hung, still spinning, probably our network

IE 11 No scrubber/volume/start button and mangled text:


In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by William Lu -

Tested on Mac OX 10.9.5

Chrome OK Yes

FireFox OK Yes

Safari OK Yes

In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Justin Hunt -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Thanks for testing everyone. It seems so far only IE is giving issues. 

My own IE 11 on Windows 8 plays it back fine. It looked to be a player loading problem rather than a format problem on Dereks screenshot. In hindsight I should have just embedded it with HTML5 video tags and no fancy player. So I changed it now to that. And I remade the video, because everyone complained about my shoes and chair in the last video.

The video codec that FFMPEG produced for that video was: AVC (H.264) profile baseline 3.1

The audio was: AAC

I also tested it with: 

iOS 8 : Mobile Safari (Version 8) : OK

Windows 8: Chrome (Version 42): OK

Mac Maverick (OSX 10.2.2): Chrome (version 42): OK

( I use to get all the versions)

We really need some people on windows phones and android devices to see if they can break it.

In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Derek Chirnside -

iPhone 4: Played OK, but fail for the initial display, it is truncated:

It was not truncated with the first setup.


In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Translators
Second round. The video quality is much better. Still not like YouTube, but that is the recording, I believe.

- Chromium 37.0, Debian GNU/Linux 7.8
No problem at all.

- FireFox (Iceweasel) 31.6, Debian GNU/Linux 7.8
Video plays well, quality similar to Chromium. But the picture lags the audio.

- Android 4.1.2, built-in browser and Chromium
Plays well, still there is a noticeable lag between audio and the picture.
In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Andy Chaplin -

Hi Justin

Thanks, as always, for your efforts in the video world of Moodle.

I tested the link on some Android devices:

A Nexus 6, a OnePlus One, a Nexus 7 and a Nexus 4

All worked fine with the standard browser, Opera, and Boat (a great browser for solving compatibility issues!)

The Nexus 6 and the Nexus 4 were running 5.1, the Nexus 7 - 5.1.1, and the OnePlus One Cyanogen Mod (5.0.2)

Just for fun I tried it on a Series 1 Galaxy Tab running Androis Froyo - the stock browser didn't work, but the video played fine on Opera!

It seems like you've got Android pretty well covered!

All the best


In reply to Justin Hunt

Re: Can you play this MP4 ?

by Luis de Vasconcelos -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

On my Windows 7 Dell laptop it plays in Google Chrome 42.0.2311.135.

No problem in Firefox 35.0.1 either.

But Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 shows just a "black box" with a little red "X" in it. No video...

Attachment IE.png