Possibility of docking blocks by default

Possibility of docking blocks by default

โดย Philippe Decloitre -
Number of replies: 6

Hi everyone,

I would like users to come to the course with all the blocks docked (by default).

Is this possible?

Many thanks


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In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility of docking blocks by default

โดย Philippe Decloitre -

I wonder if there is no answser to my question, or if there is anyone out there wink

การประเมินโดยเฉลี่ย: -
In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility of docking blocks by default

โดย Developer@ Monarch Media, Inc. -


To achieve the specified request, in moodle page -- blocks/moodleblock.class.php --, change 0 to 1 in the function html_attributes().

Before Change: if ($this->instance_can_be_docked() && get_user_preferences('docked_block_instance_'.$this->instance->id, 0))

After Change: if ($this->instance_can_be_docked() && get_user_preferences('docked_block_instance_'.$this->instance->id, 1))

การประเมินโดยเฉลี่ย:Useful (1)
In reply to Developer@ Monarch Media, Inc.

Re: Possibility of docking blocks by default

โดย Philippe Decloitre -

Hi there!

I changed O to 1 in the php file and purged all caches.

Anything else to be done? So fare no changes sad

Thanks wink

การประเมินโดยเฉลี่ย: -
In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility of docking blocks by default

โดย Developer@ Monarch Media, Inc. -

It is sufficient. Please review the site by login using new user/student account and let me know your findings.
การประเมินโดยเฉลี่ย:Useful (1)