Do you want to TAG/MENTION people like Facebook when using MOODLE?

Do you want to TAG/MENTION people like Facebook when using MOODLE?

José Gregorio Díaz Unda -
Кількість відповідей: 0

These days the social network features must be available in every social management network. Considering Moodle is based on the Social Constructivism Paradigm, it should be obvious this idea.

It would be awesome if a student can "TAG OR MENTION" another classmate when creating a forum post, wiki page, blog entry, etc.

Thus, I've created a "improvement issue" in the Moodle track system:

AS a USER enrolled in a course, I want to BE ABLE to "mention o tag" another user that belongs to the course in any place where be able to write an info through the WYSIWYG and Moodle would send an email to notify the user was mentioned providing in the body of the email a link to go to the info referenced.

For instance: José is writing a post in a forum and he is talking about the work done by Carlos and John which are a classmates and José decides to "tag or mention" Carlos and John using the syntax "@Carlos Washington y @John Anderson". Exactly like Facebook or Instagram do when you start writing the name with the wysiwyg of someone after the "@".

Please, vote for this improvement to make stronger the communications capabilities of Moodle during a learning process based on social sharing.

This is the link:

At the right side of the screen, you'll see the word "Vote". Just click on it to make it visible to Moodle's developers team.


José Gregorio.

Середня оцінка:Useful (2)