Moodle 2.8 Webservices

Moodle 2.8 Webservices

Barbara Joe - ން
Number of replies: 4

Hi All,

I am working on Moodle 2.8. What I want to do is I have one authoring tool and when a course (created in tool) is published it should get created as a SCORM Course in LMS. 

Can Moode 2.8 webservices will solve this purpose. Or is there any other thought on this.

Please throw some light on this.



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In reply to Barbara Joe

Re: Moodle 2.8 Webservices

Colin Fraser - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ

There are one of two answers here, depending on the question you are asking, which, by my comment, would suggest it is not clear what it is you are actually asking. 

1. Moodle is not a tool that creates SCORM packages, so no, Moodle web services will not do that for you.  

2. There are a number of tools that allow you to create SCORM packages, so create your package anyway you want it. Under the list of Activities you can include in Moodle is a SCORM activity. Add that activity and follow the prompts to upload your package, then set it up then use it. Simple as... works everytime, unless you use a SCORM package builder that does not fully comply with SCORM rules, mmm Articulate is one I think, well seem to have trouble with Articulate or Captivate or some of them, or both...    

In reply to Colin Fraser

Re: Moodle 2.8 Webservices

Barbara Joe - ން

Thanks Colin and Amit for the response


#1: Yes. Moodle is not SCORM Builder Tool.

#2: Yes this is what we always do.

Now, I am thinking like integrating tool with Moodle. Where there will be a course already created in Moodle may be of format Single Activity Format (With default type SCORM Activity). The create a link in the Moodle to launch the SCORM Builder tool. (Authentication may come here). Create SCORM Content and publish it. Publish means create a SCORM Activity with this publish in Moodle.

Could you please throw some lights on above approach.



In reply to Barbara Joe

Re: Moodle 2.8 Webservices

Colin Fraser - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ

Hi Barbara, I don't think that the api function core_course_create_courses() is for SCORM, though you can use that to generate new courses from the command line or some such, (not being a programmer, I really don't know.)

AFAIK, to integrate an tool that does not use PHP into Moodle is a huge ask. I doubt that you would be able to make a useful connection with using LTI, but whether any of the SCORM tools actually allow the use of LTI, I don't know. 

Sorry I cannot be a little more positive, but I don't think what you are asking is possible right now.  

In reply to Barbara Joe

Re: Moodle 2.8 Webservices

amit yadav - ން

Hi Barbara,

Do you want to integrate authoring tool with Moodle? That is, SCORM courses are directly created in Moodle when they are published in e-learning authoring tool. There is a function core_course_create_courses() in Moodle web service API, but I have never used this function, so can't tell you whether it can solve your purpose. May be someone else can help you.