Linking Captia's Unit-e with Moodle

Re: Linking Capita's Unit-e with Moodle

von James Ballard -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

We do something similar - set our courses up manually based on templates (we have over 400) and then enrol students using a flat file that is sent to Moodle overnight so a student should have a 24 hour wait at most before being enrolled. We have allowed manual enrolment to eliminate this wait. We have found this successful so far and advised tutors on enrolment keys if they feel strongly against unwanted manual enrolments.

As we do not enforce a direct course to course relationship between MIS and Moodle we have had to adopt Meta courses and also apply our own VLE course code within Unit-e so that students end up where they need to. This was dependent on the structure of our course identifiers in Unit-e and the nature of our Moodle site. We found that how students were enrolled was often very different to how they were taught. Our VLE code is a non-unique reference number applied to a course by us, enabling extra flexibility.
