InsertText ready for moodle 1.5 and 1.6

InsertText ready for moodle 1.5 and 1.6

por Jaime Alamo -
Number of replies: 5
Some time ago, I reported about the InsertText feature for the html editor.

Attached above,  you have the actual files operative for both Moodle versions 1.5 and 1.6big grin

InsertText inserts files that are pure text or html into the htmlArea at the cursor position. These files may be in the course folder (accessible by all teachers) or in the user´s folders, both at the server.

I want to add the ability to insert files located in the user's local computer, not in the server. But I've not got success with thissad and I need the help of the javascript programmerstongueout.

The code is operatively finished except for this last ability. It doesn't modify any Moodle tables and can be reversibly removed. But don't test it in production servers until be sure.

Nevertheless, it may have some bugs and it can also be tuned. So, I wait for your comments and suggestions.
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In reply to Jaime Alamo

Re: InsertText ready for moodle 1.5 and 1.6

por Jaime Alamo -
put modified or new files in :


In reply to Jaime Alamo

Re: InsertText ready for moodle 1.5 and 1.6

por mark white -

When you say "in the user's folder, both at the server."

this indicates that each user has a private files area. If this is the case how do they access it.

I know this is of topic but I have been looking for a private (from other students) file area and have been unable to find one. Thanks for any help.


In reply to mark white

Re: InsertText ready for moodle 1.5 and 1.6

por Jaime Alamo -
By the moment, user's folder is accessed only through InsertText. You have an image in the former thread: InsertText

In the popup image, user's folder is marked in cyan. You can delete, move, zip and rename files and folders. Of course,  you can create folders and upload files.

The one in red is what doesn't work. The browse button works, but not the show & set.

Attachment inserttext_popup2.JPG
In reply to Jaime Alamo

InsertText nearly final

por Jaime Alamo -
Although far to be perfect, I've achieved InsertText to work in all its parts (at least for teachers).  Have attached today's version.

I've cleaned the code and removed a dirty line, in IE opinion, that prevented it to show up.

Insertion of text from a local file,  has been a pain in the neck and  it is done using ActiveX.  And through IE, it is perfect nowcool. Using Netscape 7.1 <-> (that come with ActiveX), you must set first the preferences to enable ActiveX. Using Mozilla, Firefox and Opera you must install the plug-in and enable ActiveX, as well.   I've installed it myself in Mozilla and it makes the jobtongueout.  

IMPORTANT! Do not install the plugin if it does not exactly correspond with your browser version.

At this moment,  there may be some bugs (you know they are always there!) but it is already for testing it and suggesting convenient uses of this tag. 

I'm using it to insert tables, sheets with rubrics,  long paragraphs,  etc. that save me a lot of typing.   Please, tell me about your uses.

In reply to Jaime Alamo

Re: InsertText nearly final

por James Muehlner -
Is there an update to this? I tried to install it in the newest version of Moodle, and it did not work. The HTMLarea simply did not show up, but was replaced by a text area.

I put the files in the correct folders, meaning not lib/editor/ but lib/editor/htmlarea/

so that is not the problem, and i made sure to clear my cache before trying it, but the problem remains.

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.