Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

James Robertson
Number of replies: 11

I've done several upgrades over three localhost sites and one production site, but ran into a new problem in upgrading a localhost from 1.5.1 (2005060210?) to 1.5.2+ (CVS update today, presumably 2005060222).  I had included questionnaire, so also updated it (CVS).  On entering as admin, I got the expected database update screen which completed without error, followed by the expected questionnaire update screen, which also appeared to complete without error.  But there was no "Continue" at the bottom.  After some while, I tried the browser (IE) back and refresh, and saw only a blank screen.  I couldn't do anything else, so I exited IE.

On restarting IE I find I can login fine as a student and things appear OK.  But loggin in as admin I am taken immediately to the blank screen, generated by admin/index.php.  I presume that it is comparing my version with the current version and trying to update me, but hanging where it originally hung.

I had previously updated another localhost from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2+ (2005060220) then again to 2005060222, this time with the questionnaire update.  I went through the same database and questionnaire update screens, but everything came out OK in that case.

The problem localhost is Win2K, setup using EasyPHP (following the instructions) with PHP 4.3.3 and MySQL 4.0.15.  I have done several upgrades on it before, without problem until today.  Any suggestions about what has happened and how to fix it?



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In reply to James Robertson

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

James Robertson

I'm replying to myself just to add that a couple of days have gone by and I am really stumped.  Any help or ideas will be greatly appreciated.


In reply to James Robertson

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Birdie Newborn
Same with me. I notice a lot of other questions get replies. How about us?
In reply to James Robertson

Blank page admin/index.php blank after 1.9.4 upgrade

Joe Wieloch
Hi, this is the closest thread I've found to my current problem so I thought I'd post here.

I upgraded from 1.9 beta3 to 1.9.4 and had the admin/index.php page be blank after logging in as administrator. I upgraded on windows (my testing environment is XAMPP 1.6.5).

The redirection to admin/index.php after an upgrade actually does some upgrade completion tasks. I found on my windows machine that these tasks were failing when trying to run db scripts on the mod subfolders:

/admin/index.php calls upgrade_activity_modules() in /lib/adminlib.php:

$oldupgrade = false;
$newupgrade = false;
if ( is_readable($fullmod .'/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php')) {
include_once($fullmod .'/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php'); // defines old upgrading function

On the line in red above the processing would just stop (hence the blank screen).

$fullmod was "certificate - backup"

I had made a copy of the certificate mod to back it up before doing any changes, when I removed this folder the upgrade finished successfully.

I'm not sure what the problem was, but removing the only directory with a space and a dash in the directory name fixed the problem. Alternately it might have been because the same module was duplicated (certificate and certificate-backup) but I would first guess that it was because of the unconventional name.

Hope you don't get this error anyway, but if you do, hope this helps you :D
In reply to James Robertson

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Birdie Newborn
My problem is similar, upgrading from 1.3 to 1.5.2. As guest user, it works great, AFAIK. As admin, I'm always brought back to the same page, a bunch of code saying the wiki table was already there. Error.

And there I hang...
In reply to Birdie Newborn

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Bob Kansara

Hi all,

I am also facing similar problem. Though i am not upgrading from a previous version.. i am making a clean install of Moodle 1.5.2 Stable version. Still the admin/index.php page turns out to be blank.

If anybody knows the fix... or any possible solution , that would be really appreciated



In reply to Bob Kansara

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Gavin McCullagh
One possibility occurs to me.  Not after an upgrade but after a fresh install.

I experienced a problem like this at one time.  As far as I recall it was because my PHP installation didn't have support for my database (MySQL at the time).  The error (which should have been something like  "undefined  function: mysql_pconnect") were suppressed in the code.

On a Debian system that meant installing the php4-mysql package.  If you have hand installed PHP, you should check that mysql (or postgresql) support is enabled.

To check, you can create a page called test.php in your moodle web directory (where there is already an index.php, version.php and config.php) and put these three lines in it.


then go to and look through the page for mysql and postgresql support.

In reply to James Robertson

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Adri Mastenbroek

After renaming mimetypes.php in folder moodle/files in solved for me the problem . it seem to be redeclare mimeinfo() in folder moodle/lib/filelib.php.

In reply to Adri Mastenbroek

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

James Robertson

I finally found my problem, though it is probably unique to me.  I had renamed an old version of questionnaire to questionnaire_rls and then added the updated questionnaire.  The update routine reached questionnaire_rls and didn't know what to do with it and hung.  The fix was simple: delete the defunct questionnaire_rls module.  More detail (and suggestions from others) in similar discussion here.


In reply to James Robertson

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Drew Keller

Hot Damn! Your right I always wondered what I did wrong to Moodle to lose the admin/index.php page... Turns out for me I uploaded a new mod choice and then reverted back to the old one... leaving the new choice in the mod folder as choiceNEW... I did the same for the questionnaire but it was as questionnaireOLD. Just leaving these in the mod folder caused me to get a blank page on the admin/index.php. Thanks for the heads up guys. And here I thought it was my PHP 5 or MYSQL 5 causing the issue on IIS.

thanks Jim!

In reply to Drew Keller

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Steve Gale
Yeah, I have this problem when I install the LAMS integration module. It installs, but I dont get the continue button.

When I go back to the admin index page all I get is a blank screen. The server logs show that the config.php file cannot be found (in the root moodle directory).

A lot of people seem to come across this problem when they install modules (questionnaire, lams, wiki etc). Could this be the common denominator?

I'm runniing a clean version of 1.5.3+ and the LAMS integration module was the first thing I installed afterward.

I've never gotten an answer/reply for this either.
In reply to Steve Gale

Re: Blank admin/index.php display after 1.5.2+ upgrade

Kristian Besley
Hi all,

Steve - I have the same problem - the config.php file can not be found:

Warning: include_once(../../config.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aled\mod\lams\lib.php on line 4

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '../../config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\php\includes') in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aled\mod\lams\lib.php on line 4

This is following installation of LAMS. Has anyone any ideas? LAMS support is appaling online.
