Quiz User Data crashes backup

Quiz User Data crashes backup

von James Robertson -
Anzahl Antworten: 1

I upgraded to 1.5.2+ about 10 days ago (2005060220) and tried to backup a course manually today.  It hung during Quizzes, so I tried another course without a quiz and it worked fine.  Then I went back and tried again (to confirm a problem) and again it hung during Quizzes.  I tried once more with user data turned off for Quiz only.  This time it completed successfully. 

I recall that under 1.5.1 quiz user data was not backed up but was supposed to be under 1.5.2.  But it doesn't seem to work for me.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Server runs linux, php 4.3.10, MySQL 4.0.24.  I am using IE on WinXP.


Jim Robertson.

Als Antwort auf James Robertson

Re: Quiz User Data crashes backup

von James Robertson -

I upgraded my localhost site on 8 Aug to 1.5.2+ (2005060222) from 2005060220.  This included a database upgrade.  A small test course with several quizzes and a few user attempts backs up and restores fine, though on restore it gives the warning message that Quiz user data is not included but will be with 1.5.1.  When will Quiz user data backup and restore correctly?  Is that in the works for 1.5.3?

