Unable to view quiz attempts

Unable to view quiz attempts

Nikki Macfarlane
Number of replies: 4
When I open a quiz I can see the number of quizzes atempted. When I click on the link to view the attempts though I get the following error message:

The requested URL /moodle/mod/quiz/attempts.php was not found on this server.

There is no file attempts.php in the quiz folder so a bit confused. Any ideas?

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In reply to Nikki Macfarlane

Re: Unable to view quiz attempts

Petr Kalis
Tried to rename attempt.php to attempts.php in /mod/quiz/ ? Just first thing that crossed my mindbig grin
In reply to Petr Kalis

Re: Unable to view quiz attempts

Julian Sedding
There are definitely both files: attempt.php and attempts.php. I guess something went wrong when you upgraded, Nikki. Try to get hold of the attempts.php file and try again. That should resolve your problem.
In reply to Julian Sedding

Re: Unable to view quiz attempts

Nikki Macfarlane
Now this is where I am baffled Julian. I have just taken a look at the latest download of Moodle 1.5.2 and there is no attempts.php in the quiz folder. Can you give me some clue where I would find it? Why on earth can I not see it in the quiz folder?? Even on the lastest download?

In reply to Nikki Macfarlane

Re: Unable to view quiz attempts

Julian Sedding
Ahh, sorry. The file attempts.php does *not* exist any more. The statement before was from memory, but things keep changing in moodle...

In my version of the quiz module (latest CVS) there is no reference to the file attempts.php anywhere. Therefore I guess that the problem is with your installation.

I guess you were talking about the "View x quiz attempts" link in the "Info" tab when you're viewing a quiz? If that is the case, make sure that the file view.php in the quiz folder is the correct version. If that doesn't solve your problem try copying over the complete quiz folder from the downloaded package (replacing all existing files) again.

Hope that helps,