Fatal Error in filterlib.php

Fatal Error in filterlib.php

by Gene Passofaro -
Number of replies: 4
I am getting this error in our Glossary : Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home1/tazonetc/public_html/rosenet/lib/filterlib.php on line 1311

Anybody have any ideas to edit this entry.

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In reply to Gene Passofaro

Re: Fatal Error in filterlib.php

by scott braithwaite -

This error has been looked at previously however I know the post is old but I think still relevant https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=119598.  This is a limit which is set on your max_execution_time in the PHP.ini file by increasing this you may resolve the issue if not you may have a loop which is not ending or an error in the code causing the time out but I would test the max_execution_time by setting this high initially to maybe 200 or 300 to see if this resolves the error and if not then look at the code more closely.

If it does work try to get the max_execution_time down whilst allowing the code to execute.

Hope this helps ;)


In reply to Gene Passofaro

Re: Fatal Error in filterlib.php

by Marina Glancy -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Moodle Workplace team Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

Hello Gene,

it looks like something is working very slow and there might be a performance issue in moodle that we need to address. Do you have filter_glossary enabled? If yes, try to disable it and see if the site becomes faster. If yes, it means that the slowness is caused by this filter.

Which moodle version are you using?

Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to Marina Glancy

Re: Fatal Error in filterlib.php

by Arnould Olivier -


I had the same problem and I fixed it with your advice (indeed I have a big glossary and used the glossary filter). Thanks a lot.

But I have a question : I have this error of max_execution_time of 1s but I have set it at 50000s in php.ini (via my host's cpanel). So why does it happen ?

Is there a way where I can use my big glossary on the entire site without this problem ?

Thanks in advance


In reply to Arnould Olivier

Re: Fatal Error in filterlib.php

by Ken Task -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

Changing settings in php.ini require restart of apache service to be seen/used in Moodle.

The hint you've given (via hosts cpanel) could indicate your implementation is on a shared system.   On shared systems customers share the resources of a single server.  Hosting providers sell 'packages' which limit ... things like amount of HD space that can be used, etc.   That also includes preventing customers on such server from using up more than their fair share of resources ... thus a cap on PHP settings - how long a script can run, how much memory can be allocated to run a script, etc.    So if your server is on a shared system, you could contact the host helpdesk and inquire about your limits and/or a way to increase the time.   IF on a shared system, the hosting provider may only offer a more expensive package ... or a VPS where you don't have to 'share' those types of resources.

The link your Moodle has to Server PHP info should disclose such information for you.

Timing out might only be one issue.   Suggest turning on debugging and see what Moodle reports.  There could be other issues related to php settings not in your control.

'spirit of sharing', Ken