Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldap_connect()

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldap_connect()

Kenneth Jackson -
Erantzun kopurua: 2

I have been trying and trying to get LDAP to communicate with Active Directory to no avail.  I am actually migrating a moodle installation from one production Linux server to a Linux test server to see how a moodle upgrade goes.  All the files and MySQL data have been transferred over and everything looks swell.  However, when I go to login to the site, I get the error in the subject line.  I have read and re-read many of the posts in this forum related to this error and have not been able to solve this issue.  The ldap_host_url is set correctly in the MySQL config table and the config.php file is setup correctly with the new host url for the site for the test server.  I have even tried to reinstall LDAP which complained that Berkeley DB was not installed, so I installed that as well.  I have tried to configure apache --with-ldap and I get an error, probably a path problem.  I have read that the ldap.dll has to be uncommented out of the php.ini file, but I'm pretty certain that is for Windows installs only.

Does anyone have any advice here.  It is really frustrating seeing the site pull all the data correctly from the MySQL and yet I cannot login, eventhough these exact same files work perfectly on a production server.....

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Kenneth Jackson(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldap_connect()

David Wilkinson -

Have you seen this post? Scroll down to the second entry:


it tells you how to set the ldap (Active Directory) settings so they work.
