Add a new Link from Module's grade settings page ("Common Setting" section) to current module's Gradebook activity settings

Add a new Link from Module's grade settings page ("Common Setting" section) to current module's Gradebook activity settings

ដោយ Nadav Kavalerchik នៅ
ចំនួនតប៖ 0
រូបភាព Core developers រូបភាព Plugin developers រូបភាព Testers រូបភាព Translators

It can be very helpful and time saving for teachers to have a direct link between the grade setting on the  activity's setting page and the activity's Gradebook grade item setting page. (maybe just after the "cmidnumber" field inside the "common module setting" section?)

Currently, teachers have to navigate to the Gradebook page. Turn "Editing" on. Click the specific activity's "setting" icon. (Which is not intuitive to say the least)

So here is (a little bit old screen capture) what I am suggesting...

(actually, it could be even better if we had a cross link back to the activity's setting page, too)

A while back, I opened an Issue on the tracker for this (MDL-34216), and I would like to get any input on the issue to see if it is of any important to the community and maybe even find a better solution.

