Grading participants's posts and level of participation

Grading participants's posts and level of participation

por Aurelie Thomas -
Número de respostas: 6

Dear all,


I am fairly new on Moodle and in charge of resurrecting an old discussion forum. I would like to know if I can:

- have a "like" function on participants' posts

- Grade the level of attendance of active participants. For instance as they post more they'd get some stars added to their profile. These stars would be visible by other participants and hopefully increase their extrinsic motivation.

- have my fire starter team (people who agreed to help me facilitating the forum) in a different colour of status?


I hope I'm being clear, but aware that I may not. Thanks a lot in advance for you help!



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Em resposta à Aurelie Thomas

Re: Grading participants's posts and level of participation

por Mary Cooch -
Imagem de Documentation writers Imagem de Moodle HQ Imagem de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagem de Testers Imagem de Translators

Hello there. In reverse order..

  • you can  use group pictures to highlight who your fire starter team facilitators are. You'd need to add them to a group and give the group an icon which would then be seen on the forum posts (See mine -they are the groups I belong to) See documentation on Groups
  • You could expore forum ratings -by default you can rate posts but you might also want to allow your fire starter team (or even students themselves) to rate. See documentation Forum settings and in particular the section on Rating. When you set up ratings you have to set up a scale. If you are on the latest version of Moodle, 2.8 then you can have just one scale "Like" which would cover your first point, although I am not sure if you could use ratings to rate attendance AND have a single, like scale. For the Like scale see documentation Forum FAQ section 2.1
Média das avaliações: Useful (1)
Em resposta à Mary Cooch

Re: Grading participants's posts and level of participation

por Aurelie Thomas -

Thanks a lot for your swift reply Mary, I'll investigate these options.


Em resposta à Aurelie Thomas

Re: Grading participants's posts and level of participation

por Rick Jerz -
Imagem de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagem de Testers

You ask a question about "level of attendance" that always generates some good discussion.

First, the simple thing to do is to use ratings, giving 1 point per post, and using "count of ratings" to contribute towards a students grade.  Right? Simple?

Well, not so.  What will you define as a perfect ("A") score?  10 posts, 100 posts, 1000 posts?  Also, once students catch on to this, they might start making many simple posts.  For example, instead of providing a paragraph of ideas, they might instead provide sentences of ideas.  One ends up with essentially the same problem when teachers try to use "number of words" as a criteria for grading papers... students can easily increase the number of words without any more intellectual content.

So consider what you really want from discussions, and try to configure your forums to encourage what you want.  For example, you can set up a forum using ratings, where you expect a minimum of 5 quality posts, and then rating each post on a 1-4 scale based upon quality.  If a student makes 5 excellent posts, they earn 20 rating points, which can be a perfect 100% (an "A+).  The burden is on the instructor to read every post, and have some form of idea of what a "1" is versus a "2", versus a "3", etc.  If a student makes 5 posts, let's say: 1 excellent, 3 good, and 1 fair, they have earned 15 points, and the student can decide if they want to make more posts in order to reach the 20 maximum points.

Well, this is one idea.  It attempts to encourage "quality" instead of "quantity."  Maybe others will suggest other ideas.

Média das avaliações: Useful (1)
Em resposta à Rick Jerz

Re: Grading participants's posts and level of participation

por Aurelie Thomas -

Hi Rick,

I would absolutely agree with you and thanks for your idea. Quality above quantity, very much so! Yet, at the minute, I am dealing with a forum created 3 years ago, and which looks brain dead for 2 good years.

I was under the impression that I had to get people to start posting first, because if there are no post there's no quality either sorriso

To be fair I wasn't really explicit on the context.

It's a discussion forum between members  of an international development charity. These people are all vets; and but all from very different cultural backgrounds (11 countries, Asia, Africa, Middle East etc). The idea of the forum was to have a common platform where we could share clinical cases, share and grow pictures, experience, anecdotes etc.

The cultural differences add some spices to the mix, but they also (I believe) tend to be an obstacle to spontaneous opinion sharing. Some are very silent (totally mute should I say), and this is not because their English is poor, or because they don't have access to the technology. 

Now that the context is a bit more explicit, how would you advise I go ahead?



Em resposta à Aurelie Thomas

Re: Grading participants's posts and level of participation

por Robert Brenstein -
I dare say that for such a group rating won't do any good and may actually be detrimental. Your team needs to draw them into participation somehow. Present some problem cases and ask for feedback? If you know specific backgrounds of participants, one can ask about an opinion or idea about something very specific, posting in the forum for all but asking an individual or two in particular.
Em resposta à Robert Brenstein

Re: Grading participants's posts and level of participation

por Aurelie Thomas -

Dear Robert, thanks a lot.

In this case I will continue to, as you suggest, try to get them into it. I May just be impatient afterall.

Best wishes,
