Newbie: Tex display glitchy

Re: Newbie: Tex display glitchy

por lucia liljegren -
Número de respostas: 0

Ahh! It's the  ! That's good to know.  I usually enter in raw html.  But I loaded the gui to speed up nice formatting (inserting lists, indenting etc.)  I did that just before 'fixing' the Tex breakage, so I thought it was "Tex" itself. Now I know to just edit the raw html when I see the [?].

Naturally, since I loaded Friday, I notice other 'infelicities', and then need to find solutions.  Glad I know the issue here.

Now on to the 'infelicity' associated with trying to include Tex in 'calculated questions'. (There seems to be a problem with both using { } as delimiters. Right now my solution is "don't use Tex" in calculated questions!)

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