Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Philippe Decloitre -
Number of replies: 8


This is probably a very trivial questions, but I've been stulbing over it for weeks now, and no solution in view...

Back in Moodle 1.9, when you allowed students to see their scores after closing the quiz, they could see all their answers right away. When I say "all their answers" I mean, even all the ones they had committed for "short answer" questions (I use the adaptative mode).

Now when I do that, I _the teacher_ can see all their trials for a given answer, even those that were just "recorded" but not actually committed (sent); but he students can only see their last proposal, so they cannot tell (if they don't remember) how they fared, and what where their different attempts.

Is the old way still available and if so... how?

Thank you so much.


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In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Tim Hunt -
Core developers இன் படம் Documentation writers இன் படம் Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம் Peer reviewers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம்

That's interesting. In the 4 years since Moodle 2.0 was released, you are the first person to point out this feature that used to be available, but is now missing.

It is not available.

It would not be too hard to add it if you are prepared to edit the Moodle code. Find public static function make_from_quiz in mod/quiz/locallib.php, and near the end insert:

$options->history = $options->attempt;

(Or it might have to be $options->generalfeedback, instead of $options->attempt.) I have not tested that, but it should work.

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Philippe Decloitre -

Hi Tim, 

Thanks for your answer.

What a relief to stop my wild-goose chase!

I don't mind mining through the code (with you blueprint it should be pretty straight forward).

However, the admin of the moodle of my university is adamant on NOT moving one comma of the code.

So my student will not see this improvement before it becomes standard.

Do you think there is any chance it might some day?


In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Tim Hunt -
Core developers இன் படம் Documentation writers இன் படம் Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம் Peer reviewers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம்

I'm not sure. For it to be done as standard, we would probably need a new option to control it. And since the quiz settings are already rediculously complex, it takes a strong case to make me add another one.

(I would be intersted to hear from other quiz users what they think about this.)

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Philippe Decloitre -

Hi Tim,

I sure get your point about simplicity.

But, adding back the feature as default would probably hurt no one புன்முறுவல் 

Let me put it another way:

If you were to say on this forum that as of now the feature would be standard and could not be removed, how many would say they are displeased with it?

Since I'm the firt to mention it in 4 years, odds are that you'd meet a striking silence புன்முறுவல் 

At any rate, YOU took the time to answer, and I thank you for it.

Cheerio Tim கண்சிமிட்டு 

In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Philippe Decloitre -


This is just a back-burner-to-front-burner attemp.

I would like to re-state the importance for students who take quizzes other than MCQ (i.e short answer questions and the like) to be able to see all the answers they provided for a given question.

This makes a lot of sense for reworking on past mistakes.

Unfortunately as of 2.0, this is no longer possible.

Please, if you think this is important, vote up the message, or add a comment. This might encourage programmers to reinstate this very pedagogical, self-teaching, insight-building  feature!



In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Philippe Decloitre -

Well, Tim, no followers!

How about being wise in spite of indifference and adding the code without implementing an on-off button.

The number of teachers who care seems very small, and I can't see who could be harmed by this feature...

What do you say?

As an aside, many thanks for your latest improvements regarding conditional access to questions!


In reply to Philippe Decloitre

Re: Possibility for students to see ALL their answers after grading

by Tim Hunt -
Core developers இன் படம் Documentation writers இன் படம் Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம் Peer reviewers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம்

I would say that the current state we are in is exactly "the code without ... an on-off button."

Without an on-off button, the only way to make the change in behaviour would be a small code edit, such as the $options->history = $options->attempt; suggestion I made above.

And actually, that change would not even have to be made in the core quiz code. Using the technique of overriding a renderer you could even do it in a custom theme.