Foreign Keys - Reloaded

Foreign Keys - Reloaded

por Asaf Ohaion -
Número de respostas: 7

I've started this issue again
I think its really important ,
and so:
enabled $foreign_keys
in lib/ddl/sql_generator

tried fresh install, it fails

tables should be ordered by dependencies,

I've reordered in lib/db/install.xml

tables are created OK, other issues start to show up

I want to work on this systematically,

what is the correct way to do so and have my code integraded to



attaching first patch (reorder core tables creation)

done against 2.7.1

Em resposta a 'Asaf Ohaion'

Re: Foreign Keys - Reloaded

por Richard Oelmann -
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You say

"I've started this issue again
I think its really important"

Please can you say where the "again" is from - a link to previous discussions or tracker issues

And why you consider it to be important, please.

If this is an improvement to the way Moodle's database is structured I would imagin the best next step would be for you to create a tracker issue for it and identify there the why's and how's involved.

Em resposta a 'Richard Oelmann'

Re: Foreign Keys - Reloaded

por Marcus Green -
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I used my Google Fu to discover this

It's about Foreign Key relationships. I think that it should be possible to install Moodle with foreign keys turned on. At minimum it would make it easier for developers to work out the relationships between tables.

(I am moving towards Duck Duck Fu but it doesn't scan as well)

Em resposta a 'Asaf Ohaion'

Re: Foreign Keys - Reloaded

por Tomasz Muras -
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You should create an issue on . When you do, put link to it here, I'm ddefinitely going to vote for it - I also think it's important to at least make it possible to turn on foreign keys support in DB.

Em resposta a 'Tomasz Muras'

Re: Foreign Keys - Reloaded

por Dan Marsden -
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we already have a tracker issue related to foreign key support - please see: MDL-30799

There are some linked issues that need to be resolved - and it's likely there are other issues that need to be resolved before we can turn them on.

Em resposta a 'Dan Marsden'

Re: Foreign Keys - Reloaded

por Séverin Terrier -
Foto de Documentation writers Foto de Particularly helpful Moodlers Foto de Testers Foto de Translators

I also think that foreign key support would be a good thing.

At least it should be on for new Moodle sites.

But for old sites, there should absolutly need solutions to repair all problems that can exist in DB!

In my university, we've started using Moodle with version 1.5, and updated by several 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x. Then we've set up a new 2.4 (updated to 2.7), but as we've restored content from 1.9, we still have several problems in the DB. And there are also several problems shown via /moodle/admin/tool/health/

And even a Moodle started in 2.1 (updated to 2.3, 2.5 and 2.7) has problems shown via XMLDB editor checkups.


Em resposta a 'Asaf Ohaion'

תשובה ל: Foreign Keys - Reloaded

por Avi Levy -
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I was comment on the ticket and add link to my repo in github, I was able to install the moodle with foriegn key enabled, but we need to check if its Ok, that all action was done by the admin user and also I was need to change sthe session manager. I don't know if there is any secuerty issue with this fix, we need to test it.