Handling Multiple SCORM Quiz Attempts

Handling Multiple SCORM Quiz Attempts

napisao/la Steve Lauen -
Broj odgovora: 2

We are using Moodle 2.7 and Storyline 2 for our SCORM authoring.

What we want to achieve is the following:

-- The student is presented a course that consists of two topics: 1) a SCORM-based quiz and 2) a certificate of completion.
-- They can attempt the quiz no more than twice.
-- If they pass it on one of their two attempts, the student can go to the next topic, which is the certificate of completion.
-- If they fail both attempts, they do not get a certificate, and must instead take an entirely different course.

We've tried to handle the limit of two attempts within the SCORM file by having the SCORM keep track of the number of failed attempts. If it is two, the SCORM does not allow the user to retry the quiz again. However, when the user exits the course after two failures and returns to it, they are dumped back into the course at the beginning of the quiz again. This isn't what we want. Instead, we'd like the user to be given a message about not being allowed to attempt the quiz again after failing twice.

I'm beginning to wonder whether it would be better to handle the attempts within the SCORM or within Moodle.

Does anyone have any advice on how best to handle this scenario of restricing a user to two attempts at a SCORM quiz? The other key requirements are that we want to track interaction data for all questions and answers from each attempt, and we want the user to be able to exit from the middle of a quiz and re-enter and start where they left off.


Odgovor na Steve Lauen

Re: Handling Multiple SCORM Quiz Attempts

napisao/la Sam Stevens -

Don't really know storyline 2 but that all sounds like your scorm communication is not working at all or not set up correctly. Check settings at both ends (moodle and storyline) and make sure they match. Test by just moving on a couple of slides and then exiting and going back in. If it resumes from the same place then it is working. 

All possible as we do something similar (although with captivate). Scorm activity with only a set number of attempts in quiz. Passing that unlocks a certificate activity. 

Odgovor na Steve Lauen

Re: Handling Multiple SCORM Quiz Attempts

napisao/la Vispi Baria -

Hi Steve, as Sam mentions most of that should be possible. If you want to limit the number of attempts then you are better controlling this via Moodle (number of attempts allowed is an option in the SCORM settings).

Resuming should work fine with Storyline (make ensure you have the resume where left off option on, which is my default). I've never been 100% sure that resuming part way through a quiz works (it's been hit and miss in previous versions of SL for me; maybe fixed in SL2, but it could be Moodle causing the issue too!). I prefer telling users to complete a quiz once they have started.
