Strange bug on My home page

Strange bug on My home page

על ידי Ulrike Albers בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 4
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers

Hello everybody,

Since about a week, some users (amongst them, myself) see the overview on their My home page twice (see screenshot).

They cannot expand the litte arrow to see what posts are new, either. The strange thing is that some users have that problem, and others don't, which I checked in three ways:

  • Connecting as a test profil
  • Asking teachers
  • Using Moodle's "connect as" function (even with that, I get some with a bug, and some without)

We use Moodle 2.5

I first posted another forum subject here, sorry if this is double... but the title isn't convenient any more.

Thank you for any idea !


צרופה myhome.PNG
ממוצע דרוגים: -
בתגובה ל: Ulrike Albers

Re: Strange bug on My home page

על ידי Mathieu Pelletier בתאריך

Hello Ulrike,

We had a similar problem with 2.7.1, but instead of some users seeing the overview, they had just a blank page and no menus on the front page.  I discovered that the problem was related to uppercase letters in the username.  We use an external SIS to create accounts on Moodle, which sometimes creates problems where input filters have not been set.

In any case, removing the upper case characters and, in some cases, resetting the password solved the issue for us.  Perhaps this will work for you?

בתגובה ל: Mathieu Pelletier

Re: Strange bug on My home page

על ידי Ulrike Albers בתאריך
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers

Thank you very much for your answer Mathieu!

It seems similar yes - but I suppose that in your case, the susers with uppercase letters were the affected ? We have two systems, manual and LDAP server inscriptions, where user names are numbers - but

-this has always been the case

-the concerned users are registered manually

So I suppose that's not it... is it ? - Merci beaucoup en tout cas !

Would anybody have another idea ?

בתגובה ל: Ulrike Albers

Re: Strange bug on My home page

על ידי Ulrike Albers בתאריך
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers

Hello everyone,

I come back with some new information :

  • We have updated to Moodle 2.8. The bug is still the same.
  • When changing the theme, the bug remains.
  • When clicking on "customize this page", part of the bug disappears :  I can now open icons for new forum posts or assignemnts (but I still see Course Overview twice)
  • I'm able to place one of the Course Overview bloc on the right, but when I choose show only two courses, it changes both of the blocs

Thank you for any idea...

בתגובה ל: Ulrike Albers

Re: Strange bug on My home page

על ידי Ulrike Albers בתאריך
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers


Many thanks to Jérôme DEMIAUX, who found out that the problem can be solved by the user :

He has to go to My Page, than click on Customize this page then click on Reset - and everything works fine again חיוך