Posts since last connection on My Home not expanding any more

Posts since last connection on My Home not expanding any more

av Ulrike Albers -
Antall svar: 4
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers

Hello everybody,

Since about a week, some users (amongst them, myself) cannot expand the litte arrow to see what posts are new, on My home, anymore (and as a consequence can't go directly to the discussions)

I'm not sure that this is related to ou platform, of course - if you have any idea, it's welcome ! We use Moodle 2.5

Thank you !

PS : I purged all cache (I saw that in a discussion), but it didn't change anything

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Som svar til Ulrike Albers

Re: Posts since last connection on My Home not expanding any more

av Ulrike Albers -
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers

Hello again, This post just to precise that

- today, I was able (once) to develop (open reduced) text again, and then, it didn't work again

- I had tried to see if it was the browser (tried with IE too) or a plugin like java out of date, but that was not the case either

Som svar til Ulrike Albers

Re: Posts since last connection on My Home not expanding any more

av Guillermo Madero -

Hello Ulrike,

Please check the recommendations giver here:

Gjennomsnittlig vurdering:Useful (1)
Som svar til Guillermo Madero

Re: Posts since last connection on My Home not expanding any more

av Ulrike Albers -
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers

Thanks a lot Guillermo ! I'll check all of them

Som svar til Ulrike Albers

Re: Posts since last connection on My Home not expanding any more

av Ulrike Albers -
Bilde av Particularly helpful Moodlers

Hello again,

Actually it cannot be any of these - when I connect with another profile, using the same settings (including the theme, browser and so on), I don't have this problem - when use Moodle "connect as", for one students I got the bug, for another I didn't...

But there is one other thing I had not realized before : the overview appears twice - see screen caption.

Would anybody know what the reason could be ??

Thank you very much for your help

Vedlegg MaPage.jpg