i cannot get certificate.. and name and date of access do not come can you help me!!

i cannot get certificate.. and name and date of access do not come can you help me!!

by ebru heyberi tenekeci -
Number of replies: 3

I am the member of Moodle community.

I am new in Moodle and I have to produce a certificate at the end of the course without having quiz. We are preparing courses in articulate. Course has couple of quizzes through the course but they do not get certificate as teacher want them to get certificate at the last page if they pass all quizzes and go through courses. I prepared a last page in power point and design it in articulate quiz maker something like a quiz but they can skip this and they can press print result button to get certificate. As we want our logo as well I looked online and they normaly change report.html file to change its appearance I tried as well logo is coming but students name and other writings such as ' this certify  that:' not coming I attached my code.

 Or is there any other way of having certificate without me designing a page in quizemaker??? but I need name of the students and date of their acces and like proper certificate..

Is there any way that can you help me. 

 I have to sort this out in 3-4 days and I could not find a way to a certificate which get the name of the students from system as they log in with their username. 

If you can help me I will be very very appreciated.

here is my code that I chnaged report html



<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->



var g_arrMonths = new Array()

// Enter the month names below

g_arrMonths[0] = "January"

g_arrMonths[1] = "February"

g_arrMonths[2] = "March"

g_arrMonths[3] = "April"

g_arrMonths[4] = "May"

g_arrMonths[5] = "June"

g_arrMonths[6] = "July"

g_arrMonths[7] = "August"

g_arrMonths[8] = "September"

g_arrMonths[9] = "October"

g_arrMonths[10] = "November"

g_arrMonths[11] = "December"

// Enter the column headers

var g_strDateTime = "Date / Time"

var g_strStudentScore = "Student Score"

var g_strPassingScore = "Passing Score"

var g_strResult1 = "Result"

var g_strQuestion = "Question"

var g_strCorrectAns = "Correct Answer"

var g_strResult2 = "Result"

var g_strStudentAns = "Student Answer"

var g_strPointsAwarded = "Points Awarded"

var g_strNeutral = "Neutral"

var g_strCorrect = "Correct"

var g_strIncorrect = "Incorrect"



TD {



text-align: center;

width: 12.5%;





color: #008800;





color: #880000;





color: #000088;





text-align: left;

width: 46.25%;





text-align: center;

width: 3.75%;





text-align: center;





margin-top: 0;

margin-bottom: 0;





text-align: center;


H1 {



text-align: center;


H2 {



text-align: center;


TH {






var g_arrResults = window.opener.g_arrResults

var g_oQuizResults = window.opener.g_oQuizResults;

function AddItem(nIdx)


var strResult = g_strIncorrect;

var strClass = "INCORRECT";

var strCorrectResponse = "&nbsp;";

var strStudentResponse = "&nbsp;";

if (g_arrResults[nIdx].strCorrectResponse)


strCorrectResponse = g_arrResults[nIdx].strCorrectResponse;

strCorrectResponse = strCorrectResponse.replace(/\|#\|/g,",");


if (g_arrResults[nIdx].strStudentResponse)


strStudentResponse = g_arrResults[nIdx].strStudentResponse;

strStudentResponse = strStudentResponse.replace(/\|#\|/g,",");



document.write("<TD class='NUMBER'>" + g_arrResults[nIdx].nQuestionNum + "</TD>");

document.write("<TD class='QUESTION'>" + g_arrResults[nIdx].strQuestion + "</TD>");

document.write("<TD>" + strCorrectResponse + "</TD>");

document.write("<TD>" + strStudentResponse + "</TD>");

if (g_arrResults[nIdx].strResult == "correct")


strResult = g_strCorrect;

strClass = "CORRECT"


else if (g_arrResults[nIdx].strResult == "neutral")


strResult = g_strNeutral

strClass = "NEUTRAL"


document.write("<TD class='" + strClass + "'>" + strResult + "</TD>");

document.write("<TD>" + g_arrResults[nIdx].nPoints + "</TD>");



function FormatDate(dtmDate)


var strResult = "";

var nHours = dtmDate.getHours();

var strAM = "am";

var nMinutes = dtmDate.getMinutes();

var strMinutes = "" + nMinutes;

if (nMinutes < 10)


strMinutes = "0" + nMinutes;


if (nHours == 12)


strAM = "pm";


if (nHours > 12)


nHours -= 12;

strAM = "pm";


strResult += "<P class='DATETIME'>"

strResult += g_arrMonths[dtmDate.getMonth()] + " ";

strResult += dtmDate.getDate() + ", ";

strResult += dtmDate.getFullYear() + "  ";

strResult += "</P><P class='DATETIME'>"

strResult += nHours + ":";

strResult += strMinutes + " ";

strResult += strAM;

strResult += "</P>"

return strResult;





<img src="quizimages/certificateofcompletion.png">




var strTitle = g_oQuizResults.strTitle;

if (g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strName)


if (g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strName.length = 0)


document.write("<CENTER><I><P><H3>This certifies that:</I></CENTER>");

document.write("<P><H2>" + g_oQuizResults.oOptions.strName + "</H2></P>");

document.write("<CENTER><I><P><H3>Has completed</I></CENTER>");

document.write("<P><H1>" + strTitle + "</H1></P>");

document.write("<CENTER><I><P><H3>Date of complition:</I></CENTER></H3>");

document.write("<CENTER><H1>" + FormatDate(g_oQuizResults.dtmFinished) + "</CENTER></H1>);






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In reply to ebru heyberi tenekeci

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Re: i cannot get certificate.. and name and date of access do not come can you help me!!

by ebru heyberi tenekeci -

dear Rolf thanks so much for your information but 

you said

'You can do that by giving the last page of your articul. a thing like "...status = complete".'

where am I going to dod this in articulate where should I write this? aslo if I understand correct, do I need to have quize at the end of the moodle. is there any oppurtunity to open cretificate link when they complete the course without quize in moodle. ??

if you can help me that will be very appreciated



In reply to ebru heyberi tenekeci

Re: i cannot get certificate.. and name and date of access do not come can you help me!!

by Dale Musselman -

Ebru - Yes, you don't specify which product you are using, but if you are using Articulate Storyline, you can set completion to be triggered by viewing a specific slide - you do that in the SCORM tracking settings when you publish. But Articulate Presenter does not have this (at least not the version I have used). If using Presenter, as you say - you would need to set up something like a one question quiz - it doesn't even have to be a question, can just be an instruction to click a button to complete the course.

But the other confusion is that you seem to be asking a question about creating a custom certificate in Articulate - though you are posting in s forum about the Certificate module in Moodle. This question would be better for the forums at Articulate. 

On the other hand - I think it is easier to do in Moodle, just not the way you are thinking. The certificate in Moodle will have the student and course name, and you can easily add a logo and some other text via the UI. There are a lot of discussions here you can search for with more detail, but this is the general direction you would go, once you have the Articulate module published to SCORM:

  1. Create a Topics format course in Moodle - not SCORM (or SIngle Topic) format. The problem with the Moodle SCORM format is that it only lets you add the SCORM module via the SCORM activity, but you need to be able to add a second activity for the Certificate.  
  2. Add the SCORM activity and set it up with the module. Set completion to via Learning Objects.
  3. Add the Certificate activity (I'm assuming you have installed the plugin). In the settings, set Restrict Access to be dependent on completing the SCORM module activity. Also in the settings are where you customize what the certificate looks like.

I am probably forgetting some important details, but does this make sense? One of the first hurdles is just terminology. In the Moodle world, what you have created in Articulate is not a 'course'. When you use that term here to mean something other than a Moodle course, it tends to confuse.