Database Permissions - Separate List/Single View

Database Permissions - Separate List/Single View

de Oliver Trampleasure -
Número de respuestas: 2


I'd like to provide guest access to the list view of my database (currently set up as a single activity course) but prevent guests from viewing the single view.

I've checked the permissions and had a play but it looks like there's a single option for entry viewing.

Does anyone know of a solution? I have full access to the backend, etc.

Many thanks


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En respuesta a Oliver Trampleasure

Re: Database Permissions - Separate List/Single View

de Itamar Tzadok -

Afaict the only way to do that with the standard Database module is with a hack. In mod/data/view.php you can add a condition on $mode == 'single' and isguestuser() that redirects to the list view if true.

With the Dataform module you can set particular view access permission with a view access rule.

hth sonrisa