Add a question button has disappeared for one editing teacher

Add a question button has disappeared for one editing teacher

by Fiona MacAlister -
Number of replies: 4
We are running Moodle 2.5.3 and have encountered a very strange problem with one of our lecturers who has the editing teacher role. When she goes to edit a quiz there are no Add a question or Add a random question buttons on the page (see image below). 

We have tried different browsers, different laptops and different course pages but the issue occurs in all instances. Other users with the same role are not experiencing this issue, so it would appear to be linked to her specific profile. She has not experienced this problem previously with quizzes and has not been added to any other course recently in any other role. No error message appears on the page either.

Missing Add Question button

I have also tried unenrolling and re-enrolling her in the course, but this has also not helped.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

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In reply to Fiona MacAlister

Re: Add a question button has disappeared for one editing teacher

by Mary Cooch -
Immàgine de Documentation writers Immàgine de Moodle HQ Immàgine de Particularly helpful Moodlers Immàgine de Testers Immàgine de Translators

Is this with all quizzes or just one particular quiz? If it is one particular quiz, is this a quiz which students have already taken? She can't add questions to a quiz if students have done it.

Actually- looking at your screenshot - this looks OK - has she got the Question  bank contents showing or not?  And what does she see when she clicks the Editing quiz tab instead of the Order and Paging tab, which your screenshot shows?

In reply to Fiona MacAlister

Re: Add a question button has disappeared for one editing teacher

by Tim Hunt -
Immàgine de Core developers Immàgine de Documentation writers Immàgine de Particularly helpful Moodlers Immàgine de Peer reviewers Immàgine de Plugin developers

At the top of the page there are two tabs.

Your teacher has switched from the "Edit quiz" tab to the "Order and paging" tab.

In reply to Tim Hunt

Re: Add a question button has disappeared for one editing teacher

by Fiona MacAlister -
Thanks Mary and Tim.

Yes, that was the problem.  blush  I had been into that tab before and should have realised that was what it was. It seems that the lecturer concerned also cottoned on as a quiz has now been built in the course. What I think threw me was that it wasn't doing it in that course alone but in whatever page we went into.

In reply to Fiona MacAlister

Re: Add a question button has disappeared for one editing teacher

by Joseph Rézeau -
Immàgine de Core developers Immàgine de Particularly helpful Moodlers Immàgine de Plugin developers Immàgine de Testers Immàgine de Translators

Fiona "It seems that the lecturer concerned also cottoned on as a quiz has now been built in the course."

In all my career as an English language teacher I had never come across that "cotton on" expression. Well, one learns every day! Thanks, Fiona,
