FYI: Online seminar 3 September: CodeRunner: authentic e-assessment for computer programming (in Moodle)

FYI: Online seminar 3 September: CodeRunner: authentic e-assessment for computer programming (in Moodle)

por Mathew Hillier -
Número de respuestas: 0
Greetings Moodlers, I am unsure where this is best posted but since it relates to a Moodle quiz question that allows e-assessment of computer code responses; here goes: Transforming Assessment online seminar 3 September: 'CodeRunner: authentic e-assessment for computer programming' Presenter: Richard Lobb, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. This session will explore the features of CodeRunner; a Moodle question type in which student submitted program code is automatically evaluated against a range of test criteria and a grade assigned. In introductory programming courses the question might be as simple as "Write a Python function sqr(x) that returns its parameter squared" however more advanced exercises can also be handled, such as "Modify the compiler discussed in lectures to handle the following language extensions". The submission is graded by running a series of tests on the submitted code within a sandbox, comparing the output with the expected output. Students receive immediate feedback and are able to resubmit (for a small penalty). It is also possible to process the responses to questions in which the student answer is not program code at all. Instead the question type can be used to accept any text as a response which can then be assessed against a set of test criteria defined by the instructor in the form of program code. Coderunner is used at the University of Canterbury for laboratories, assignments and mid-course tests in several courses and is to be used in a final exam for the first time this year. The talk will report on experiences with CodeRunner in several courses and will demonstrate the authoring of questions and the range of different questions that can be asked. Hosted by Prof Geoffrey Crisp, Dean T&L RMIT University and Dr Mathew Hillier, University of Queensland. [all sessions at no cost] Session details, time zone conversions and RSVP instructions.
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