Making Quiz Available only after content has been viewed?

Making Quiz Available only after content has been viewed?

- Tania Siemens の投稿
返信数: 3

Does anyone know if it is possible to make sure the quiz is not available to be displayed until after the content has been opened and viewed?  I am not sure what version of moodle I have, but I am using the eXtension moodle account: if that helps.  Thanks so much for your help! Tania

Tania Siemens への返信

Re: Making Quiz Available only after content has been viewed?

- Emma Richardson の投稿
画像 Documentation writers 画像 Particularly helpful Moodlers 画像 Plugin developers

If you are on later version you can use completion and restriction settings to achieve.  Please review the related documentation on Completion Settings and Restricting Access.