3 Answers 33% Each Problem

3 Answers 33% Each Problem

Bởi Jonny McCullagh -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 3
Folks, If anyone can help me solve this I'd appreciate it.
I have a quiz on Fire Safety. The Fire Triangle has 3 elements. With 3 correct answers I assign 33.3333% to each - but the question can never be answered fully correctly as there is always 0.00001% incorrect.
I may be wrong? but this is what I think is happening.

Is my only option to ask the question providing one of the answers up front and asking the student to tick the other 2 elements - which could each be assigned 50%

Also - is there any way to align images in quiz questions? My images are interferring with the text in the question, splitting it up badly?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Trung bình điểm đánh giá: -
Để phản hồi tới Jonny McCullagh

Re: 3 Answers 33% Each Problem

Bởi Bernard Boucher -
Hi Jonny,
              can you precise your Moodle version, what you mean by "the question can never be answered fully correctly" and how do you enter your questions with the editor or by importing them?

I just test your question on 1.5+ and     1.4.3+ and the allowed grade ( %100 ) is correct if the 3 rights answers are ok.

With 1.5 + the "automatic feedback"  ( Correct, Partly correct )  seem to need some adjustment.

I hope it may help,


Để phản hồi tới Bernard Boucher

Re: 3 Answers 33% Each Problem

Bởi Jonny McCullagh -
I'm using 1.5+ and creating questions manuallly in moodle, maybe I didn't explain well enough.
Multi-choice Question: Which three elements below are part of the fire triangle?
1. Fuel (correct 33.333 %)
2. Oxygen (correct 33.333 %)
3. Heat (correct 33.333 %)
4. Carbon Dioxide (incorrect 0 %)
4. Electricity (incorrect 0 %)

When I do this and tick the three correct values it doesn't seem to get the whole question correct.
I also tried this with a short answer e.g. Name the three elements? and I cannot get the question correct because each of the three words scores 33.333% which means it is impossible to get it completely correct?
I hope I am wrong, possibly doing something stupid?
Để phản hồi tới Jonny McCullagh

Re: 3 Answers 33% Each Problem

Bởi Julian Sedding -
Hi Jonny,

you're not beeing stupid ;) You're completely right, the displaying of the automatic feedback string ("correct", "partially correct" or "incorrect") did not take this rounding problem into account. In the latest CVS version I changed this to use the number that are printed in the string "Marks for this submission: 0.67/1." to determine if it is correct or partially correct. So if you upgrade to the latest CVS version your question should work.

On a side note: what you probably want to do is to set your question like this:
1. Fuel (correct 33.333 %)
2. Oxygen (correct 33.333 %)
3. Heat (correct 33.333 %)
4. Carbon Dioxide (incorrect -33.333 %)
4. Electricity (incorrect -33.333 %)

If you don't assign negative marks for the last two options, the student can just check all answers and get full marks.
