Getting back to the old grading screen

Getting back to the old grading screen

Michael Penney發表於
Number of replies: 12
Hi, the new grading, well, where do I start to get back to something more like the old one?

I've looked over the code and the comments, but I can't seem to see where the grading screen is being generated. I'd like to get back to the single grading screen with all comments and grade entry being on one page (we dealt with the issue of large class load time by replacing the drop down with a text entry box, which seemed to work well for large classes while allowing the teacher to grade with a minimum of trouble).

Can someone get me started on where to start with a new (old) grading screen?
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In reply to Michael Penney

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Timothy Takemoto發表於
You might consider going back to the old module which lives on, with some extra functions, as the feedback module thanks to Thomas Robb
In reply to Timothy Takemoto

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Michael Penney發表於
Hi Tim, we're also not 'upgrading' from the journal module for 1.5. However, I may well uninstall the 1.5 Assignment module (although I like it other than the grading screen) and reload our 1.4 module for now.

I'd rather not, but I need to either get the grading screen fixed or revert in the next week or so as we need to start developing training materials in July for our rollout of 1.5 in August傷心.

I really wish this new grading screen had been posted here for preview and commenting before it was implemented as the only option傷心.
In reply to Michael Penney

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Darren Smith發表於
The 1.5 version of the marking block currently uses the old view and will be out shortly.

Why don't you like the new one? I haven't used it enough to be able to comment.
In reply to Darren Smith

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Michael Penney發表於
Good to hear Darren!

Why don't you like the new one?

O let me count the ways微笑. First, it is dramatically different, which means extensive retraining for our faculty. Our faculty are mostly not 'techies' so even minor changes in interface takes time for them to over come. Sometimes I don't think 'techies' realize how many users learn an interface by memorizing (or printing and marking up) every button.

A second major issue is time. In a course of 60 students, a teacher now needs to make 120 new clicks to grade every assignment. Ooops, 126 since it will only show 10 on a screen. That is alot of new clicks.

I do like the new assignment module and would like to use it (alternative is dumping for our old one) however I do think that radically changed interfaces should be offered as options, not as defaults (esp. not as a default with no other options). And a second goal in redesigning heavily used screens ought to be to reduce the number of clicks it takes to accomplish a task.*

*I had the pleasure of watching Jef Raskin perform a goms analysis on MS access a few years back and have never been the same微笑.

In reply to Darren Smith

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Jay Pfaffman發表於
My big problem is that I can't submit feedback for online text assigments if my students used a quote in their text.  This means that it just doesn't work unless I use another tool to edit out the quotes from their comments (or tell them not to do it).  The problem seems to be that stuff in that field doesn't get quote-protected and it generates an (uncaught!) mysql error when the form is submitted.  Maybe this is somehow an error related to a botched database upgrade, but I consider losing my feedback with not so much as "I'm throwing your data away, OK?" message a serious problem.  I haven't seen anyone else complaining, so perhaps it has to do with some local problem.

As for the extra clicks, I haven't memorized the old interface, but I think this one requires at least two extra clicks per student as their online assignments (formerly journals) are now an extra click, and an extra window that I didn't want opened, away.  I used to be able to middle-click (or control click in Windoze or Apple-click on a mac) all of the student's stuff and have them all open in tabs.  I could then deal with each one and close the tab when I was through.  It was lots easier than the current interface.
In reply to Jay Pfaffman

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Michael Penney發表於
Hi Jay, the first sounds like a bug, have you submitted a bug report?

The second, regarding the clicks, yep, two extra clicks, plus a click per 10 students.

For reference, here is a screenshot of the old interface with our text entry rather than drop down modification.
附件 oldgrading.gif
In reply to Michael Penney

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Darren Smith發表於
Mike C has indicated he is going to upload the new 1.5 marking block / page very soon.

Prob keep an eye on cvs and also this forum or the block forum over the next day or so.
In reply to Michael Penney

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Jay Pfaffman發表於
Yes, I submitted a bug report.  It should be a 1 minute fix, but it'll take me 10 hours to get into the code deep enough to figure out the one minute.  I keep poking around and am getting closer to becoming a Moodle hacker. . . .

Yeah!  That old interface was lots better.

I'm also annoyed that updating an assignment now takes an extra click.
In reply to Jay Pfaffman

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Genner Cerna發表於
Jay, I agree wtih you the old Interface of assigment was far better than in moodle 1.5.

Again your right about the extra click when checking/viewing the submitted assigment.

I already post a forum about the extra click in moodle 1.5. I really annoys having extra click.

Hope the interface will improve.
In reply to Genner Cerna

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Genner Cerna發表於
In our school common complain by the teacher is having extra clicks on assignment...

Hope Martin, will able to read this thread...
In reply to Michael Penney

Re: Getting back to the old grading screen

Michael Penney發表於

Well, what we did was fix a few things in our old assignment module so it works with 1.5.

It would be nice if radically new designs for core components were added as options rather than the base class.